Creative post production

Experiments with more creative post-production in Lightroom.

Brussels street art eyes

Brussels Street Art - Bassin Vergote - Brussels

This one is part of broader frame I took in Brussels, along the canal, looking out on the Bassin Vergote, one of the logisitics hubs of the port of Brussels.

I love this area. It’s bordered with older lower income residential quarters on one side, the industrial, construction material focused area along the canal on another side, and finally, it looks out on the new trendy residential projects around the iconic Up Site tower.

I wanted to experiment with more creative post production in Lightroom so I started tinkering and got to this somewhat dramatic version. It makes the picture a bit scary I must say but I think I’ll continue testing.


Place de la Bourse - Brussels

This square is part on the historical center of Brussels and has undergone a profound transformation over the last years as the center of Brussels was being made pedestrian. The city is just starting to relive after the long months of COVID-19 lockdown but the streets were still quite empty which gave this large open square a bit of a weird feeling.

After I played with different settings, the picture took an air of painting. The somewhat surreal post-COVID-19 feeling came out even more and it almost looks like a drawing coming straight out of the imagination.


Hazy - Light and shadows at their best


Trip to Belgium